
eko by ekowareusa

Created by John Helvetica & EKOwareUSA Team

Please support EKO SporKit 2.0 on our KickStarter: An Ultra-Portable Cutlery Kit alternative to single-use plastic flatware. Noted Reviews: LifeHacker Japan: Yanko Design:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

3 days to go! Extra gifts added to pledges as our thanks to you.
over 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 08:19:26 AM

Hello Backers, 

We started êkö as a passion project aimed to make a robust elegantly minimal easy-to-use/carry/clean lifetime flatware solution to combat the proliferation of single-use products that inevitably harms our world now and for future generations.  As our first bootstrapped KickStarter we learned lots and we're super thankful for your support and stoked to deliver.

In appreciation we'll be adding a wood pocket phone stand and laser-cut/etched wooden êkö sticker to each pledge & new pledges.   They'll look like this: 

Wooden êkö Pocket Phone Stand (attach on keychain)
Wooden êkö Sticker (we'll add "1st Edition, 2021" or something like that..)

Core êkö Kits are ready-to-ship soon after we confirm your addresses so look out for a Survey Email after our campaign ends at 2:24pm on February 24th (3 days).  Ti-Ultra êkö Kits should be ready to ship by June 2021 if not sooner and we're working on the Clip-On designs for manufacturing.  

 We've added more explanatory animated gifs to our campaign showing a bit more how êkö can be carried, washed, and stowed in the included roll-up pouch with elastic closure:

For less bulk, spoon fork in separate pouch pockets then wrap as shown

Please note more kits and add-on's will be available after the campaign ends via BackerKit but not necessarily at the KickStarter discount prices with shipping.  We'll be updating our progress in getting your rewards to you and offer more great stuff for the future. 

Thank you,

John & EKOwareUSA Team

Cross Promos: 

LONO | The Sock-Less, Odor-Busting, Eco-Conscious Sneaker

Aloha! A pair of plant-based sneakers designed explicitly for a sockless and eco-conscious lifestyle.  Thanks to TREE fiber, the natural properties of quick drying, breathable, and odor resistant are able to perform on LONOs and translate directly to our feet. To learn more CLICK HERE.

Transforming Pen&Stylus:Mini&Full sizes in Titanium Quality

A titanium quality pen magnetically transforms to mini&full size pens+smart pen for touchscreens+safe touch tool for public buttons!  CLICK HERE to obtain this unique design for yourself and your loved ones !

7 Days to Go! BackerKit Survey, Delivery Plans, & Stretch Goal
over 3 years ago – Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 12:01:12 AM

Dear Backers

We hope you had a great Valentine's Day Weekend and Lunar New Year!  We appreciate your support we are inspired to deliver on your pledges.

First off, with 7 days to go, look for your BACKERKIT SURVEY via EMAIL soon after our campaign ends on February 24th.  Your addresses will be needed here for us to fulfill your order. You'll also be able to include additional items at that time or in the future (we'll get into more of that later).  

Core êkö Ultra-Portable Cutlery Kit

For those that pledged for the Core êkö Cutlery Kits (304ss)we have inventory and are prepared to ship those in March 2021 if not sooner.

1st Edition Ti-Ultra êkö Cutlery Kits (matte finish in dark gray pouch)

For those who pledged for Ti-Ultra êkö Kits (titanium)we plan to ship those to you in June 2021 or sooner if possible depending on production ramp-up and logistics with our manufacturing partners.

We received loads of inquiries on the Clip-On Handle Add-Ons but we are reluctant to make it available during this KickStarter Campaign since we need to determine production quality is up to our stringent requirements and compatibility with the new Ti-Ultra êkö Kits.  These Clip-On's would complete the Premium Core & Premium Ti-Ultra eko Kits. During the Ti-Ultra production ramp-up we'll fine-tune the Clip-On designs & plan to make it available via BACKERKIT as an add-on, upgrade, or stretch goal depending on a survey we'll make about material options and styles.  We plan to make these Clip-On Add-ons as affordable as possible for current backers and hope to be able to offer different handle lengths, materials, and styles in the future. 

Handle Clip-Ons complete Premium Ti-Ultra & Premium Core Kits

Please note, the êkö core product is designed as an ultra-portable cutlery solution and works fine as such with the hope that they'll be more convenient for people to carry and use instead of resorting to using single-use. We hope the snap Clip-On's add value to this.

All the Best, 

John & Team êKö  @EKOwareUSA

êkö Ti-Ultra UNLOCKED! Many Thanks to our Backers, Supporters, & Friends for Making it Happen :)
over 3 years ago – Tue, Feb 09, 2021 at 05:58:42 PM

Hello Everyone, 

Thanks to you we've unlocked our Ti-Ultra êkö Kit Limited 1st Edition 10k Stretch Goal! It's the same sleek design as our Core êkö Kits except made of Pure CP1 Titanium with a smooth satin matte finish by request. This offers super lightweight strength in the most biocompatible of metals due to its naturally occurring properties.

êkö Ti-Ultra Limited 1st Edition

Titanium is tasteless, non-allergenic, anti-bacterial, and non-corrosive for a lifetime (and more) of use  in our patent-pending solid-state design. It's also twice as strong as stainless steel but half the weight.  Each êkö Ti-Ultra Set will come in a sturdy cotton linen Special-Edition Dark Gray êkö Pouch/napkin that's machine/hand washable; it's same pouch design used in our 304SS Core êkö Cutlery Kits.

Ti-Ultra êkö Hardware production plans have begun targeting a ship date in June 2021.  As we ramp-up manufacturing we'll keep you updated while working hard to deliver sooner if possible.  Our first batch of 304SS Core êkö Cutlery Kits have already arrived and will be ready to ship ASAP after our êkö campaign ends on 24February.  

We're offering our Limited 1st Edition êkö Ti-Ultra Cutlery kits at a $50 Kickstarter price that'll include FREE US Shipping with an additional $10 for Global Shipments; the lowest we can get to ship from our SF, CA office through the United States Postal Service- please support your local USPO btw :)  These new rewards are available to add or adjust to your original orders. 

Many Thanks for bringing êkö to life & for your continued support! 

Team êkö® by EkoWareUSA®


Campaign Cross Promos with Fellow Eco-Minded Creators: 

SCRUBBIO® 8-in-1: Eco Multifunctional Magic Silicone Brush 

Get Scrubbio, the First Magnetic Multifunction 8-in-1 Silicone Brush for Kitchen & Bathroom. Magic for your Daily Life. Durable to Preserve Nature & Save Money.

  Discover, support & get the BEST OFFERS, Click Here  

luumi life, the mask the world needs 

Luumi Life mask is a 100% pure platinum silicone mask with ePTFE filters that's simple to clean.

  In Demand at 

"Rose N Gold" Solid Brass EDC Keychain From Goodtimes 

This Rose N Gold EDC keychain made from solid brass, when you hold in your hand you will feel solid, heavy duty and ineffable satisfaction. With roses in our signature lightning logo makes a very luxury EDC you want to always carry it in your hand.

  Early Birds still available HERE 

Great Strides & Possibilities: 149 Backers & 26 Days to Go!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 02:13:22 PM

Hello Awesome êkö Backers! 

êkö started as a side passion project aiming to make a robust elegantly minimal easy-to-use/carry/clean lifetime flatware solution to combat the proliferation of single-use products that inevitably harms our world now and for future generations.   It's 2021 and we could do better!  

We're halfway through our campaign & we're glad to report that êkö is trending a little over our stretch goals with 26 days to go. Thank you!  I should add that we hadn't worked with any of the many cool Promotions, Marketing, & Ad Agencies (yet) whom helped get good exposure on lots of well-funded campaigns. Well, actually, we do have an Affiliate Referral Program with the good people at KickBooster.  We're also looking into potential eco-friendly KickStarter/IGG cross-promo partners..  as well as progressive sustainably-minded publications, bloggers, and enthusiasts so if you know of anyone please connect- êkö samples available, btw.

Hopefully, with more funding, we can get larger quantities of the Ti-Ultra êkö & Premium êkö add-on and/or stand-alone Kits to make more affordable for you if not for the current stretch goals, then for an êkö V2 launch later this year.  If you'd like, please give a shout out to our campaign :) Thanks for your ongoing support in helping bring êkö to life!

All the Best,

John @ekowareusa

PS: We're working out logistics with USPO & XPSshipper (please support your local USPO) for our US domestic & International shipping and aim to keep the price as affordable as possible; free for US backers & the lowest cost we could get for global backers.  Test shipments to friends are being shipped to ensure that all your orders are received as soon as possible without hitches after our campaign ends on February 24th.  Stay tuned!

Core êkö Cutlery Kits received from our mfg partners & will be inspected, sorted, sanitized, & made ready to ship to you asap after campaign deadline

projects êkö likes:  -thanks for the advice Andrew!  -cool edc solution for Victorinox SD Classic  -loving the minimalism +laser etch options

77 Backers in 7 Days! Thank you!! New Stretch Goals added.
over 3 years ago – Mon, Jan 18, 2021 at 04:32:48 AM

We're stoked to report that, thanks to you, we've gotten good steady interest on our campaign and want build on that with Stretch Goals to include some add-ons and options by request. These were planned for an êkö 2.0 release later in 2021 but we will push to make them sooner if the stretch goals are unlocked by 2/24; 38 days to go!  

1. If we raise $8000 we’ll make snap-on handle extensions to complete the Premium êkö Cutlery Kit; it's basically a Core êkö Cutlery Kit with snap-on attachments. This will be made and offered as an add-on to the Core êkö Kit as well as a stand-alone reward if $8k is raised.

2. If $10,000 is raised we’ll make available the Ti-Ultra êkö Cutlery Kit made with smooth satin-finished Titanium which is not only more lightweight, but also super clean! The snap-on add-ons should be compatible on this kit as well. 

The Premium Core êkö Cutlery Kit with snap-on handle extensions was planned to launch before Christmas 2020 but due to manufacturing discrepancies and delays the tooling has to be modified to accommodate. Basically, the core metal flatware was thinner by +.06mm beyond our design specifications. So if we can reach our stretch the $8k goal we’ll be able to modify tooling and make these add-ons with a targeted ship date for May 2021.  We were planning to release this in the êkö 2.0 versions for Christmas 2021 but, with your support, we’ll make it sooner. 

The add-on accessories will work like this:

This week we plan to reach out to potential media, retail, and marketing partners to help spread the word.  If you'd like to help further please share our campaign:

Thank you for your support!

John @ êkö® by EkoWareUSA®